Saturday 8 September 2007

Week 28 - Something to smile about.

Saw my nurse yesterday and was given the most amazing news ever - I was undetactable on the 10th of August - week 24.

Didn't know how to react... I was speechless at first, then started smiling as if I won a lottery. I was still smiling when I left the hospital, smiling while driving home and probably smiling while being asleep last night LOL

The bad bit is that my weight is at its lowest - 63kg, it means that I need to take less tablets now and try to eat as much as possible to fatten up.

The most important thing is that I feel fine, feel healthy, feel as if I was given a new lease of life....yes, definetely, I have something to smile about LOL

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Week 27 - Swimming with the white dolphins.

Im back in the UK, had the most amazing holiday ever. I didn't realise how much I needed a break, I was deflated and fed up after my 24th shot of Interferon. Now I feel much stronger mentally and phisically to carry on with the therapy.