Saturday, 8 September 2007

Week 28 - Something to smile about.

Saw my nurse yesterday and was given the most amazing news ever - I was undetactable on the 10th of August - week 24.

Didn't know how to react... I was speechless at first, then started smiling as if I won a lottery. I was still smiling when I left the hospital, smiling while driving home and probably smiling while being asleep last night LOL

The bad bit is that my weight is at its lowest - 63kg, it means that I need to take less tablets now and try to eat as much as possible to fatten up.

The most important thing is that I feel fine, feel healthy, feel as if I was given a new lease of life....yes, definetely, I have something to smile about LOL


Not Blank said...

Well, you've given me something to smile about now!!! You're undetectable, you charmed the dolphins and by the way, your hair looks pretty darned good too!

Ros said...

Look at you and the dolphins - how cool!!

Hurrah for being undetectable, I'm saying it again - undetectable - woo hoo!!

Go for it Yuri.


pixie said...

Hiya Babe..Well done, you look great as normal.speak soon..CXXXXX