Monday, 16 April 2007


Liver is a major part of our digestive system, so it makes sense to be kind to it. I try to eat less but often, usually I have six meals a day. The first time I heard about it was when JLo was eating six meals a day and all the papers wrote about it as some kind of diva nonsense. I did my own research and was surprised how clever JLo and her eating plan was. And you don't have to be extremely rich to eat six small meals a day, it's easy once you get used to it.
You will feel more energetic, you will never want to have a lie down after a meal as you probably used to before and your liver won't feel the pressure as before when you had big dinners with ice cream on top and teas.


LaurieBluesGuy said...


The six meals a day thing is quite an old thing.

Archie Moore (Light heavyweight champ in the 50's/60's) used to train in a similar fashion.

His rule was "one palm full of carbs plus one palm full of protein - 6 times a day" - Helped Archie to keep his weight down and energy levels up for the last 6 weeks before a fight. Archie had to come down from about 200+ pounds to 175 during that time ..


Yuri said...

Hi Lau!
So he did it to lose some weight...
I do it to help my digestive system and my liver ( big part of digestive system).
And it's always better to eat carbs and proteins separetly as they are digested at different speeds.
But best of all is not to eat animal proteins at all if you have liver problems.