Saturday, 28 April 2007

Rest when you can.

I try to preserve my energy as much as I can. It's just something I can't afford to waste while on treatment. Try to have power naps if you can, they make big difference, trust me.

It's not always possible to get some rest during lunch time especially if you work, but there are some ways. You can just close your eyes for 10-15 minutes or even lie down if you have a sofa in your office. Many people work from home these days and they have no excuse not to have an hour sleep during the day. I urge you to do so if you can. Write your comments later.


TeaStarWitch said...

It's a very good idea to rest, but I'm a stubborn person, I try to fight with my fatigue by not taking a nap. It's stupid, but that's what I do since my childhood. And it does not help.

Yuri said...

Hey, Star! You still have 8 weeks of tx remaining so from now on you can rest as much as you want and don't forget to sleep a little bit during lunch time :-) No more shopping for you, madam!!! :-)