I never liked red meat and hardly ever touched chicken or turkey, so it was quite easy for me to stop eating animal protein and become a vegetarian. There were many reasons why I did that, one them was the fact that I had Hep C virus. Apparently animal protein is harmful, it causes a complication known as encephalopathy (altered mental status). The exact cause is not fully understood but it has been shown that restriction of the diet of animal protein and maintaining a total vegetarian diet, helps reverse this condition and improve mental capacity. I used to suffer a lot from brain fog, loss of memory, confusion etc. I noticed big difference ever since I stoped including animal protein into my diet. Try it yourself and let me know if you felt any different.
P.S. Alison is my new friend who just happened to be a vegetarian too :-) She stopped eating meat at the early age of 10 and doesn't touch fish either. One of her favourite things is chocolate :-)
Babe love the blogg.....And glad you advocating the need to eat healthy on Tx....It cant make it any worse...It was great getting to know you and feel we are lifetime buddys now...So yuri till next time..Luv ya lots..Chrissy XXX
come on yuri, waiting for the next chapter with anticipation. ps does belgian chocolate come under the healthy option, heard its full of vit b6??? heres hoping babe
Yuri :-)
You look so beautiful and glamorous, with great style and a great attitude. It must be all that goat's milk and spirulina.
I really enjoyed reading your blog, thanks for sharing your secrets xx
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