Saturday, 28 April 2007


It's just as important to be happy and optimistic as leading a healthy lifestyle and watching your diet and exercising regularly. Our attitude to life is EVERYTHING! It certainly helps me! I stopped thinking about the future and making plans, we can't predict the future and can't prepare for it ( well, we can but only in financial terms if we are lucky). But nothing can prepare you for major life disasters like - a loss of health, job, family members, relationships, friendships etc... It took me some time to realise that and after I lost all of those things at different points of my life I stopped worrying about things. All you need to do is live now and here, enjoy every day as it comes. forget about the future, learn lessons from the past and enjoy your present!
As one door closes - another one opens, new relationships and friendships will be formed, new careers might start, new beginnings are just around the corner!

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